Return to referer URL

Dumped Contents

Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1677
  -config: Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder {#1678
    #locked: true
    -dispatcher: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\ImmutableEventDispatcher {#1686 …1}
    -name: "sender_form"
    -propertyPath: null
    -mapped: true
    -byReference: true
    -inheritData: false
    -compound: true
    -type: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\Proxy\ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy {#1552
      -proxiedType: Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#1551
        -innerType: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1535 …}
        -typeExtensions: array:6 [
          0 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TransformationFailureExtension {#1553
            -translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#721 …}
          1 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\HttpFoundation\Type\FormTypeHttpFoundationExtension {#1554
            -requestHandler: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\HttpFoundation\HttpFoundationRequestHandler {#1555
              -serverParams: Symfony\Component\Form\Util\ServerParams {#1556
                -requestStack: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack {#290
                  -requests: & array:1 [
                    0 => Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request {#2
                      +attributes: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag {#14
                        #parameters: array:9 [
                          "_stopwatch_token" => "5fb7e3"
                          "media_type" => "text/html"
                          "_route" => "request_mpesa_express_payment"
                          "_controller" => "App\Payment\MpesaPaymentController::requestMpesaExpressPayment"
                          "waybill_id" => "1021403"
                          "_route_params" => array:1 [
                            "waybill_id" => "1021403"
                          "_firewall_context" => ""
                          "_security_firewall_run" => "_security_main"
                          "paramFetcher" => FOS\RestBundle\Request\ParamFetcher {#708
                            -container: ContainerBxEb3my\App_KernelDevDebugContainer {#40 …}
                            -parameterBag: FOS\RestBundle\Request\ParameterBag {#706 …2}
                            -requestStack: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack {#290}
                            -validator: Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\TraceableValidator {#717
                              -validator: Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\RecursiveValidator {#710
                                #contextFactory: Symfony\Component\Validator\Context\ExecutionContextFactory {#711
                                  -translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#721 …}
                                  -translationDomain: "validators"
                                #metadataFactory: Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Factory\LazyLoadingMetadataFactory {#712
                                  #loader: Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Loader\LoaderChain {#713
                                    #loaders: array:5 [
                                      0 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Loader\XmlFileLoader {#716 …3}
                                  #cache: null
                                  #loadedClasses: array:7 [
                                    "IteratorAggregate" => Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1791 …13}
                                    "Symfony\Component\Form\FormInterface" => Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1888 …13}
                                    "Symfony\Component\Form\ClearableErrorsInterface" => Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1908 …13}
                                    "Traversable" => Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1910 …13}
                                    "Countable" => Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1793 …13}
                                    "ArrayAccess" => Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1717 …13}
                                    "Symfony\Component\Form\Form" => Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1708 …13}
                                #validatorFactory: Symfony\Component\Validator\ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory {#723
                                  -container: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator {#722
                                    -externalId: null
                                    -container: null
                                    -factories: array:9 [ …9]
                                    -loading: []
                                    -providedTypes: null
                                    -factory: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container::getService($registry, string $id, ?string $method, $load) {#41
                                      this: ContainerBxEb3my\App_KernelDevDebugContainer {#40 …}
                                    -serviceMap: array:9 [ …9]
                                    -serviceTypes: array:9 [ …9]
                                  -validators: array:3 [
                                    "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Constraints\FormValidator" => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Constraints\FormValidator {#1887 …2}
                                    "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlankValidator" => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlankValidator {#1721 …1}
                                    "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\LengthValidator" => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\LengthValidator {#1711 …1}
                                #objectInitializers: array:1 [
                                  0 => Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Validator\DoctrineInitializer {#720
                                    #registry: Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry {#413 …7}
                              -collectedData: array:1 [
                                0 => array:3 [
                                  "caller" => array:3 [
                                    "name" => "ValidationListener.php"
                                    "file" => "/var/www/html/courier/vendor/symfony/form/Extension/Validator/EventListener/ValidationListener.php"
                                    "line" => 50
                                  "context" => array:3 [
                                    "value" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1677}
                                    "constraints" => null
                                    "groups" => null
                                  "violations" => []
                      +request: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\InputBag {#10
                        #parameters: array:2 [
                          "sender_form" => array:3 [
                            "phone" => "0796 404 952"
                            "field" => "SENDER"
                            "_token" => "ffa4ed0db78aaf51a55c5db6.F0zJmr9V-MR6K_lCwSUas7RZ87ZqVQ-fOrxlFQ7ipPs.TRid9Illlp0IEpsriBRc9ustq_E7PnuvcdQTXT7X0alEB7rOj22cjh50yQ"
                          "action" => "sender_form"
                      +query: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\InputBag {#9
                        #parameters: []
                      +server: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag {#17
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                          "HTTP_SEC_CH_UA_MOBILE" => "?0"
                          "HTTP_SEC_CH_UA_PLATFORM" => ""Windows""
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                          "SERVER_ADMIN" => "[no address given]"
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                          "REMOTE_PORT" => "57198"
                          "GATEWAY_INTERFACE" => "CGI/1.1"
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                          "JWT_PUBLIC_KEY" => "%kernel.project_dir%/config/jwt/public.pem"
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                      +files: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag {#16
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                            "_security_main" => "O:75:"Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authenticator\Token\PostAuthenticationToken":2:{i:0;s:4:"main";i:1;a:5:{i:0;O:15:"App\Entity\User":8:{s:19:"\x00App\Entity\User\x00id";i:148;s:25:"\x00App\Entity\User\x00username";s:10:"0718436255";s:25:"\x00App\Entity\User\x00password";s:60:"$2y$13$17t7KanHacKd4Jnyk9eJquLXGpft0K.BRT2h8qaHPHEbtQLZYTUIW";s:30:"\x00App\Entity\User\x00plainPassword";N;s:26:"\x00App\Entity\User\x00createdAt";O:8:"DateTime":3:{s:4:"date";s:26:"2024-12-04 13:07:32.000000";s:13:"timezone_type";i:3;s:8:"timezone";s:18:"Africa/Addis_Ababa";}s:23:"\x00App\Entity\User\x00person";O:32:"Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Person":12:{s:17:"__isInitialized__";b:0;s:21:"\x00App\Entity\Person\x00id";i:155;s:28:"\x00App\Entity\Person\x00firstName";N;s:29:"\x00App\Entity\Person\x00secondName";N;s:26:"\x00App\Entity\Person\x00sirName";N;s:25:"\x00App\Entity\Person\x00gender";N;s:29:"\x00App\Entity\Person\x00nationalId";N;s:30:"\x00App\Entity\Person\x00phoneNumber";N;s:28:"\x00App\Entity\Person\x00createdAt";N;s:30:"\x00App\Entity\Person\x00dateOfBirth";N;s:32:"\x00App\Entity\Person\x00preferredName";N;s:28:"\x00App\Entity\Person\x00createdBy";N;}s:22:"\x00App\Entity\User\x00roles";a:2:{i:0;s:9:"ROLE_USER";i:1;s:10:"ROLE_CLERK";}s:22:"\x00App\Entity\User\x00email";s:18:"";}i:1;b:1;i:2;N;i:3;a:0:{}i:4;a:2:{i:0;s:9:"ROLE_USER";i:1;s:10:"ROLE_CLERK";}}}"
                            "_csrf/https-form" => "F3w-_XcNnK4npTlDMIdFzKwpI29txR2pphXh-RsyyFw"
                            "_csrf/https-app_bundle_way_bill_form" => "kQW0SLYM1JG63uqzOfqK_swT5WlJ88T4QrIfnhUDVJY"
                            "_csrf/https-app_bundle_day_close_form" => "70XVJNsZtNt4R1q1YAz1c8-1MYg-FnSrkDTOBrFeYHQ"
                            "_csrf/https-app_bundle_way_bill_expense" => "KXIM0w6gxZFPoFBTatPs11nbiWlRp7k2t9FkeXR4C8M"
                            "_csrf/https-cash_payment_mode" => "j-Ud9swoGpIuEEMmBStmGQ_HqeNFVlh0VawqW10x2zQ"
                            "_csrf/https-sender_form" => "ZTTn60nYr9biI1FE_tXGQkt0KhvH05uRSKsT08dJd_0"
                            "_csrf/https-receiver_form" => "1k8S9Wh_OtP7yY6xHf83s3EFHCl03JviPhl94eTkDlw"
                            "_csrf/https-other_form" => "p3EFD5cWg7KfgGGUoMR-auP-A_U40cG-IAbPy1M0f8s"
                            "_csrf/https-mpesa_payment_selection" => "YxorbtHNp87NfRXMmGtPBoljii5eiHkPIPvWyP4J4nw"
                            "_csrf/https-mpesa_cash_payment_selection" => "pS7dSYYlhLhCYXXgXbyxWIrEz5EnDMXpTn-DTWnSL4c"
                          "_symfony_flashes" => & []
                        -usageIndex: & 4
                        -usageReporter: array:2 [
                          0 => Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener {#280
                            #container: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator {#167 …8}
                            -sessionUsageStack: array:1 [ …1]
                            -debug: true
                            -sessionOptions: array:5 [ …5]
                          1 => "onSessionUsage"
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                      basePath: ""
          2 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\FormTypeValidatorExtension {#1627
            -validator: Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\TraceableValidator {#717}
            -violationMapper: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\ViolationMapper\ViolationMapper {#1628
              -formRenderer: Symfony\Component\Form\FormRenderer {#1626
                -engine: Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Form\TwigRendererEngine {#1621
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                    0 => "form_div_layout.html.twig"
                    1 => "@LiveComponent/form_theme.html.twig"
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                  -resourceHierarchyLevels: []
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                    -compiler: null
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                    -optionsHash: "["Twig\\Extension\\CoreExtension","Twig\\Extension\\EscaperExtension","Twig\\Extension\\OptimizerExtension","Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\CsrfExtension","Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\DumpExtension","Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\ProfilerExtension","Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\TranslationExtension","Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\AssetExtension","Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\CodeExtension","Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\RoutingExtension","Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\YamlExtension","Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\StopwatchExtension","Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\ExpressionExtension","Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\HttpKernelExtension","Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\HttpFoundationExtension","Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\WebLinkExtension","Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\SerializerExtension","Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\FormExtension","Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\LogoutUrlExtension","Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\SecurityExtension","Doctrine\\Bundle\\DoctrineBundle\\Twig\\DoctrineExtension","Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle\\Twig\\WebProfilerExtension","Symfony\\WebpackEncoreBundle\\Twig\\EntryFilesTwigExtension","Symfony\\UX\\StimulusBundle\\Twig\\UxControllersTwigExtension","Symfony\\UX\\TwigComponent\\Twig\\ComponentExtension","Symfony\\UX\\LiveComponent\\Twig\\LiveComponentExtension","Symfony\\UX\\StimulusBundle\\Twig\\StimulusTwigExtension"]:8:1:3.7.1:1:1"
                  -template: null
                -csrfTokenManager: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#62
                  -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#63
                    -entropy: 256
                  -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#64
                    -requestStack: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack {#290}
                    -namespace: "_csrf"
                    -session: null
                  -namespace: Closure() {#66
                    class: "Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager"
                    this: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#62}
                    use: {
                      $namespace: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack {#290}
                      $superGlobalNamespaceGenerator: Closure() {#65 …}
                -blockNameHierarchyMap: []
                -hierarchyLevelMap: []
                -variableStack: []
              -translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#721 …}
              -allowNonSynchronized: false
            -legacyErrorMessages: true
          3 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1629 …}
          4 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Csrf\Type\FormTypeCsrfExtension {#1630
            -defaultTokenManager: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#62}
            -defaultEnabled: true
            -defaultFieldName: "_token"
            -translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#721 …}
            -translationDomain: "validators"
            -serverParams: Symfony\Component\Form\Util\ServerParams {#1556}
          5 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\Type\DataCollectorTypeExtension {#1631
            -listener: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\EventListener\DataCollectorListener {#1632
              -dataCollector: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\FormDataCollector {#1532
                #data: array:3 [
                  "forms" => array:1 [
                    "sender_form" => &21 array:11 [
                      "id" => "sender_form"
                      "name" => "sender_form"
                      "type_class" => "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType"
                      "synchronized" => true
                      "passed_options" => []
                      "resolved_options" => array:50 [
                        "action" => ""
                        "allow_extra_fields" => false
                        "allow_file_upload" => false
                        "attr" => []
                        "attr_translation_parameters" => []
                        "auto_initialize" => true
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                        "by_reference" => true
                        "compound" => true
                        "constraints" => []
                        "csrf_field_name" => "_token"
                        "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
                        "csrf_protection" => true
                        "csrf_token_id" => null
                        "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#62}
                        "data_class" => null
                        "disabled" => false
                        "empty_data" => Closure(FormInterface $form) {#1643
                          class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType"
                          this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1535 …}
                        "error_bubbling" => true
                        "error_mapping" => []
                        "extra_fields_message" => "This form should not contain extra fields."
                        "form_attr" => false
                        "getter" => null
                        "help" => null
                        "help_attr" => []
                        "help_html" => false
                        "help_translation_parameters" => []
                        "inherit_data" => false
                        "invalid_message" => "This value is not valid."
                        "invalid_message_parameters" => []
                        "is_empty_callback" => null
                        "label" => null
                        "label_attr" => []
                        "label_format" => null
                        "label_html" => false
                        "label_translation_parameters" => []
                        "legacy_error_messages" => true
                        "mapped" => true
                        "method" => "POST"
                        "post_max_size_message" => "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file."
                        "priority" => 0
                        "property_path" => null
                        "required" => true
                        "row_attr" => []
                        "setter" => null
                        "translation_domain" => null
                        "trim" => true
                        "upload_max_size_message" => Closure() {#1645
                          class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension"
                          this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1629 …}
                          use: {
                            $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#721 …}
                            $translationDomain: "validators"
                            $message: Closure() {#1644 …}
                        "validation_groups" => null
                      "default_data" => array:1 [
                        "norm" => null
                      "submitted_data" => array:1 [
                        "norm" => array:2 [
                          "phone" => "0796 404 952"
                          "field" => "SENDER"
                      "errors" => []
                      "has_children_error" => false
                      "children" => array:2 [
                        "phone" => &24 array:10 [
                          "id" => "sender_form_phone"
                          "name" => "phone"
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                            "constraints" => array:2 [
                              0 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#1651
                                +payload: null
                                +groups: array:1 [
                                  0 => "Default"
                                +message: "phone number should be available"
                                +allowNull: false
                                +normalizer: null
                              1 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#1652
                                +payload: null
                                +groups: array:1 [
                                  0 => "Default"
                                +maxMessage: "Phone number is incorrect"
                                +minMessage: "Phone number is incorrect"
                                +exactMessage: "This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters."
                                +charsetMessage: "This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset."
                                +max: 12
                                +min: 12
                                +charset: "UTF-8"
                                +normalizer: null
                                +allowEmptyString: false
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                              0 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#1651}
                              1 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#1652}
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                            "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
                            "csrf_protection" => true
                            "csrf_token_id" => null
                            "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#62}
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                              class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType"
                              this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1535 …}
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                              class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension"
                              this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1629 …}
                              use: {
                                $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#721 …}
                                $translationDomain: "validators"
                                $message: Closure() {#1661 …}
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                            "constraints" => array:1 [
                              0 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#1653
                                +payload: null
                                +groups: array:1 [
                                  0 => "Default"
                                +message: "please key in the field"
                                +allowNull: false
                                +normalizer: null
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                            "constraints" => array:1 [
                              0 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#1653}
                            "csrf_field_name" => "_token"
                            "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
                            "csrf_protection" => true
                            "csrf_token_id" => null
                            "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#62}
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                              class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType"
                              this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1535 …}
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                              class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension"
                              this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1629 …}
                              use: {
                                $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#721 …}
                                $translationDomain: "validators"
                                $message: Closure() {#1670 …}
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                    "00000000000006900000000000000000" => &24 array:10 [&24]
                    "00000000000006930000000000000000" => &29 array:10 [&29]
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                -dataExtractor: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\FormDataExtractor {#1533}
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                      "constraints" => []
                      "csrf_field_name" => "_token"
                      "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
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                        0 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#1651}
                        1 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#1652}
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                        1 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#1652}
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                        0 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#1653}
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                        0 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#1653}
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                      "csrf_protection" => true
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                        class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType"
                        this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1535 …}
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                        class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension"
                        this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1629 …}
                        use: {
                          $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#721 …}
                          $translationDomain: "validators"
                          $message: Closure() {#1894 …}
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                        0 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#1725
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                          +normalizer: null
                        1 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#1767
                          +payload: null
                          +maxMessage: "Phone number is incorrect"
                          +minMessage: "Phone number is incorrect"
                          +exactMessage: "This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters."
                          +charsetMessage: "This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset."
                          +max: 12
                          +min: 12
                          +charset: "UTF-8"
                          +normalizer: null
                          +allowEmptyString: false
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                        0 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#1725}
                        1 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#1767}
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                        this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1535 …}
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                        class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension"
                        this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1629 …}
                        use: {
                          $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#721 …}
                          $translationDomain: "validators"
                          $message: Closure() {#1901 …}
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                          +message: "please key in the field"
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                        0 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#1768}
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                        this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1535 …}
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                        class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension"
                        this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1629 …}
                        use: {
                          $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#721 …}
                          $translationDomain: "validators"
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                      "attr_translation_parameters" => []
                      "auto_initialize" => true
                      "block_name" => null
                      "block_prefix" => null
                      "by_reference" => true
                      "compound" => true
                      "constraints" => []
                      "csrf_field_name" => "_token"
                      "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
                      "csrf_protection" => true
                      "csrf_token_id" => null
                      "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#62}
                      "data_class" => null
                      "disabled" => false
                      "empty_data" => Closure(FormInterface $form) {#1903
                        class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType"
                        this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1535 …}
                      "error_bubbling" => true
                      "error_mapping" => []
                      "extra_fields_message" => "This form should not contain extra fields."
                      "form_attr" => false
                      "getter" => null
                      "help" => null
                      "help_attr" => []
                      "help_html" => false
                      "help_translation_parameters" => []
                      "inherit_data" => false
                      "invalid_message" => "This value is not valid."
                      "invalid_message_parameters" => []
                      "is_empty_callback" => null
                      "label" => null
                      "label_attr" => []
                      "label_format" => null
                      "label_html" => false
                      "label_translation_parameters" => []
                      "legacy_error_messages" => true
                      "mapped" => true
                      "method" => "POST"
                      "post_max_size_message" => "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file."
                      "priority" => 0
                      "property_path" => null
                      "required" => true
                      "row_attr" => []
                      "setter" => null
                      "translation_domain" => null
                      "trim" => true
                      "upload_max_size_message" => Closure() {#1995
                        class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension"
                        this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1629 …}
                        use: {
                          $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#721 …}
                          $translationDomain: "validators"
                          $message: Closure() {#1993 …}
                      "validation_groups" => null
                    "default_data" => array:1 [
                      "norm" => null
                    "submitted_data" => []
                  "00000000000007ee0000000000000000" => array:8 [
                    "id" => "other_form_phone"
                    "name" => "phone"
                    "type_class" => "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType"
                    "synchronized" => true
                    "passed_options" => array:1 [
                      "constraints" => array:2 [
                        0 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#2005
                          +payload: null
                          +message: "phone number should be available"
                          +allowNull: false
                          +normalizer: null
                        1 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#2006
                          +payload: null
                          +maxMessage: "Phone number is incorrect"
                          +minMessage: "Phone number is incorrect"
                          +exactMessage: "This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters."
                          +charsetMessage: "This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset."
                          +max: 12
                          +min: 12
                          +charset: "UTF-8"
                          +normalizer: null
                          +allowEmptyString: false
                    "resolved_options" => array:50 [
                      "action" => ""
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                      "allow_file_upload" => false
                      "attr" => []
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                      "block_prefix" => null
                      "by_reference" => true
                      "compound" => false
                      "constraints" => array:2 [
                        0 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#2005}
                        1 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#2006}
                      "csrf_field_name" => "_token"
                      "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
                      "csrf_protection" => true
                      "csrf_token_id" => null
                      "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#62}
                      "data_class" => null
                      "disabled" => false
                      "empty_data" => Closure(FormInterface $form) {#2010
                        class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType"
                        this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1535 …}
                      "error_bubbling" => false
                      "error_mapping" => []
                      "extra_fields_message" => "This form should not contain extra fields."
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                      "help_attr" => []
                      "help_html" => false
                      "help_translation_parameters" => []
                      "inherit_data" => false
                      "invalid_message" => "This value is not valid."
                      "invalid_message_parameters" => []
                      "is_empty_callback" => null
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                      "label_attr" => []
                      "label_format" => null
                      "label_html" => false
                      "label_translation_parameters" => []
                      "legacy_error_messages" => true
                      "mapped" => true
                      "method" => "POST"
                      "post_max_size_message" => "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file."
                      "priority" => 0
                      "property_path" => null
                      "required" => true
                      "row_attr" => []
                      "setter" => null
                      "translation_domain" => null
                      "trim" => true
                      "upload_max_size_message" => Closure() {#2012
                        class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension"
                        this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1629 …}
                        use: {
                          $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#721 …}
                          $translationDomain: "validators"
                          $message: Closure() {#2011 …}
                      "validation_groups" => null
                    "default_data" => array:2 [
                      "norm" => null
                      "view" => ""
                    "submitted_data" => []
                  "00000000000007f10000000000000000" => array:8 [
                    "id" => "other_form_field"
                    "name" => "field"
                    "type_class" => "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType"
                    "synchronized" => true
                    "passed_options" => array:1 [
                      "constraints" => array:1 [
                        0 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#2007
                          +payload: null
                          +message: "please key in the field"
                          +allowNull: false
                          +normalizer: null
                    "resolved_options" => array:50 [
                      "action" => ""
                      "allow_extra_fields" => false
                      "allow_file_upload" => false
                      "attr" => []
                      "attr_translation_parameters" => []
                      "auto_initialize" => true
                      "block_name" => null
                      "block_prefix" => null
                      "by_reference" => true
                      "compound" => false
                      "constraints" => array:1 [
                        0 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#2007}
                      "csrf_field_name" => "_token"
                      "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
                      "csrf_protection" => true
                      "csrf_token_id" => null
                      "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#62}
                      "data_class" => null
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                      "empty_data" => Closure(FormInterface $form) {#2019
                        class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType"
                        this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1535 …}
                      "error_bubbling" => false
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                      "extra_fields_message" => "This form should not contain extra fields."
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                      "help_attr" => []
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                      "label_html" => false
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                      "legacy_error_messages" => true
                      "mapped" => true
                      "method" => "POST"
                      "post_max_size_message" => "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file."
                      "priority" => 0
                      "property_path" => null
                      "required" => true
                      "row_attr" => []
                      "setter" => null
                      "translation_domain" => null
                      "trim" => true
                      "upload_max_size_message" => Closure() {#2021
                        class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension"
                        this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1629 …}
                        use: {
                          $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#721 …}
                          $translationDomain: "validators"
                          $message: Closure() {#2020 …}
                      "validation_groups" => null
                    "default_data" => array:2 [
                      "norm" => null
                      "view" => ""
                    "submitted_data" => []
                -dataByView: null
                -formsByView: null
        -parent: null
        -optionsResolver: Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver {#1633
          -defined: array:51 [
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            "block_prefix" => true
            "disabled" => true
            "label" => true
            "label_format" => true
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            "upload_max_size_message" => true
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            "csrf_token_id" => true
          -defaults: array:50 [
            "block_name" => null
            "block_prefix" => null
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            "compound" => true
            "method" => "POST"
            "action" => ""
            "post_max_size_message" => "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file."
            "upload_max_size_message" => null
            "allow_file_upload" => false
            "help" => null
            "help_attr" => []
            "help_html" => false
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            "invalid_message" => "This value is not valid."
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            "extra_fields_message" => "This form should not contain extra fields."
            "csrf_protection" => true
            "csrf_field_name" => "_token"
            "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
            "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#62}
            "csrf_token_id" => null
          -nested: []
          -required: []
          -resolved: array:29 [
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            "label" => null
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            "method" => "POST"
            "post_max_size_message" => "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file."
            "allow_file_upload" => false
            "help_translation_parameters" => []
            "invalid_message" => "This value is not valid."
            "invalid_message_parameters" => []
            "error_mapping" => []
            "allow_extra_fields" => false
            "extra_fields_message" => "This form should not contain extra fields."
            "csrf_protection" => true
            "csrf_field_name" => "_token"
            "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
            "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#62}
            "csrf_token_id" => null
          -normalizers: array:3 [
            "validation_groups" => array:1 [
              0 => Closure(Options $options, $groups) {#1638
                class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\BaseValidatorExtension"
                this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\FormTypeValidatorExtension {#1627}
            "constraints" => array:1 [
              0 => Closure(Options $options, $constraints) {#1639
                class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\FormTypeValidatorExtension"
                this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\FormTypeValidatorExtension {#1627}
            "upload_max_size_message" => array:1 [
              0 => Closure(Options $options, $message) {#1641
                class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension"
                this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1629 …}
                use: {
                  $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#721 …}
                  $translationDomain: "validators"
          -allowedValues: []
          -allowedTypes: array:17 [
            "block_prefix" => array:2 [
              0 => "null"
              1 => "string"
            "attr" => array:1 [
              0 => "array"
            "row_attr" => array:1 [
              0 => "array"
            "label_html" => array:1 [
              0 => "bool"
            "priority" => array:1 [
              0 => "int"
            "form_attr" => array:2 [
              0 => "bool"
              1 => "string"
            "label_attr" => array:1 [
              0 => "array"
            "action" => array:1 [
              0 => "string"
            "upload_max_size_message" => array:1 [
              0 => "callable"
            "help" => array:3 [
              0 => "string"
              1 => "null"
              2 => "Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage"
            "help_attr" => array:1 [
              0 => "array"
            "help_html" => array:1 [
              0 => "bool"
            "is_empty_callback" => array:2 [
              0 => "null"
              1 => "callable"
            "getter" => array:2 [
              0 => "null"
              1 => "callable"
            "setter" => array:2 [
              0 => "null"
              1 => "callable"
            "constraints" => array:2 [
              0 => "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint"
              1 => "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint[]"
            "legacy_error_messages" => array:1 [
              0 => "bool"
          -info: array:3 [
            "priority" => "The form rendering priority (higher priorities will be rendered first)"
            "getter" => "A callable that accepts two arguments (the view data and the current form field) and must return a value."
            "setter" => "A callable that accepts three arguments (a reference to the view data, the submitted value and the current form field)."
          -lazy: array:4 [
            "data_class" => array:1 [
              0 => Closure(Options $options) {#1634
                class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType"
                this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1535 …}
            "empty_data" => array:1 [
              0 => Closure(Options $options) {#1635
                class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType"
                this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1535 …}
            "error_bubbling" => array:1 [
              0 => Closure(Options $options) {#1637
                class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType"
                this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1535 …}
            "upload_max_size_message" => array:1 [
              0 => Closure(Options $options) {#1636
                class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType"
                this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1535 …}
          -calling: []
          -deprecated: array:1 [
            "legacy_error_messages" => array:3 [
              "package" => "symfony/form"
              "version" => "5.2"
              "message" => Closure(Options $options, $value) {#1640
                class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\FormTypeValidatorExtension"
                this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\FormTypeValidatorExtension {#1627}
          -given: []
          -locked: false
          -parentsOptions: []
          -prototype: null
          -prototypeIndex: null
      -dataCollector: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\FormDataCollector {#1532}
    -viewTransformers: []
    -modelTransformers: []
    -dataMapper: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataMapper\DataMapper {#1547
      -dataAccessor: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataAccessor\ChainAccessor {#1548
        -accessors: array:2 [
          0 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataAccessor\CallbackAccessor {#1549}
          1 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataAccessor\PropertyPathAccessor {#1550
            -propertyAccessor: Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccessor {#1545
              -magicMethodsFlags: 3
              -ignoreInvalidIndices: true
              -ignoreInvalidProperty: false
              -cacheItemPool: Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ArrayAdapter {#1546
                -storeSerialized: false
                -values: []
                -expiries: []
                -defaultLifetime: 0
                -maxLifetime: 0.0
                -maxItems: 0
                #logger: null
              -propertyPathCache: []
              -readInfoExtractor: Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor\ReflectionExtractor {#1536
                -mutatorPrefixes: array:3 [
                  0 => "add"
                  1 => "remove"
                  2 => "set"
                -accessorPrefixes: array:4 [
                  0 => "get"
                  1 => "is"
                  2 => "has"
                  3 => "can"
                -arrayMutatorPrefixes: array:2 [
                  0 => "add"
                  1 => "remove"
                -enableConstructorExtraction: true
                -methodReflectionFlags: 1
                -magicMethodsFlags: 3
                -propertyReflectionFlags: 1
                -inflector: Symfony\Component\String\Inflector\EnglishInflector {#1544}
                -arrayMutatorPrefixesFirst: array:3 [
                  0 => "add"
                  1 => "remove"
                  2 => "set"
                -arrayMutatorPrefixesLast: array:3 [
                  0 => "set"
                  1 => "remove"
                  2 => "add"
              -writeInfoExtractor: Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor\ReflectionExtractor {#1536}
              -readPropertyCache: []
              -writePropertyCache: []
    -required: true
    -disabled: false
    -errorBubbling: true
    -emptyData: Closure(FormInterface $form) {#1643}
    -attributes: array:1 [
      "data_collector/passed_options" => []
    -data: null
    -dataClass: null
    -dataLocked: false
    -formFactory: Symfony\Component\Form\FormFactory {#1534
      -registry: Symfony\Component\Form\FormRegistry {#1389
        -extensions: array:1 [
          0 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DependencyInjection\DependencyInjectionExtension {#1387
            -guesser: null
            -guesserLoaded: false
            -typeContainer: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator {#1380
              -externalId: null
              -container: null
              -factories: array:37 [
                "App\Form\BankingForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\BankingForm"
                  2 => "getBankingFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\Bus\BookingType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\Bus\BookingType"
                  2 => "getBookingTypeService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\Bus\ReserveType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\Bus\ReserveType"
                  2 => "getReserveTypeService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\Bus\RouteType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\Bus\RouteType"
                  2 => "getRouteTypeService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\Bus\RouteeType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\Bus\RouteeType"
                  2 => "getRouteeTypeService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\Bus\StopType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\Bus\StopType"
                  2 => "getStopTypeService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\Bus\TripType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\Bus\TripType"
                  2 => "getTripTypeService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\CollectionForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\CollectionForm"
                  2 => "getCollectionFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\DayCloseForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\DayCloseForm"
                  2 => "getDayCloseFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\ExistingPersonMemberForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\ExistingPersonMemberForm"
                  2 => "getExistingPersonMemberFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\ExpenseForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\ExpenseForm"
                  2 => "getExpenseFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\LoginForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\LoginForm"
                  2 => "getLoginFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\MaintenanceForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\MaintenanceForm"
                  2 => "getMaintenanceFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\MemberForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\MemberForm"
                  2 => "getMemberFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\OrganizationUserForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\OrganizationUserForm"
                  2 => "getOrganizationUserFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\ParcelForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\ParcelForm"
                  2 => "getParcelFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\PersonForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\PersonForm"
                  2 => "getPersonFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\PersonSearchForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\PersonSearchForm"
                  2 => "getPersonSearchFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\PhoneContactForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\PhoneContactForm"
                  2 => "getPhoneContactFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\SmsSetupCreationType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\SmsSetupCreationType"
                  2 => "getSmsSetupCreationTypeService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\SmsSetupType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\SmsSetupType"
                  2 => "getSmsSetupTypeService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\StationForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\StationForm"
                  2 => "getStationFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\TransactionForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\TransactionForm"
                  2 => "getTransactionFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\UserForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\UserForm"
                  2 => "getUserFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\UserStationForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\UserStationForm"
                  2 => "getUserStationFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\VehicleForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\VehicleForm"
                  2 => "getVehicleFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\VehicleSearchForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\VehicleSearchForm"
                  2 => "getVehicleSearchFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\VerifyForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\VerifyForm"
                  2 => "getVerifyFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\WayBillExpense" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\WayBillExpense"
                  2 => "getWayBillExpenseService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\WayBillForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\WayBillForm"
                  2 => "getWayBillFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\api\ApiWayBillForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\api\ApiWayBillForm"
                  2 => "getApiWayBillFormService"
                  3 => true
                "Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\EntityType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "form.type.entity"
                  2 => "getForm_Type_EntityService"
                  3 => true
                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "form.type.choice"
                  2 => "getForm_Type_ChoiceService"
                  3 => true
                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ColorType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "form.type.color"
                  2 => "getForm_Type_ColorService"
                  3 => true
                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FileType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "services"
                  1 => ".container.private.form.type.file"
                  2 => "get_Container_Private_Form_Type_FileService"
                  3 => true
                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "form.type.form"
                  2 => "getForm_Type_FormService"
                  3 => true
                "Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Form\Type\LiveCollectionType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "form.live_collection"
                  2 => "getForm_LiveCollectionService"
                  3 => true
              -loading: []
              -providedTypes: null
              -factory: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container::getService($registry, string $id, ?string $method, $load) {#41}
              -serviceMap: array:37 [
                "App\Form\BankingForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\BankingForm"
                  2 => "getBankingFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\Bus\BookingType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\Bus\BookingType"
                  2 => "getBookingTypeService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\Bus\ReserveType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\Bus\ReserveType"
                  2 => "getReserveTypeService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\Bus\RouteType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\Bus\RouteType"
                  2 => "getRouteTypeService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\Bus\RouteeType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\Bus\RouteeType"
                  2 => "getRouteeTypeService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\Bus\StopType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\Bus\StopType"
                  2 => "getStopTypeService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\Bus\TripType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\Bus\TripType"
                  2 => "getTripTypeService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\CollectionForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\CollectionForm"
                  2 => "getCollectionFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\DayCloseForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\DayCloseForm"
                  2 => "getDayCloseFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\ExistingPersonMemberForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\ExistingPersonMemberForm"
                  2 => "getExistingPersonMemberFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\ExpenseForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\ExpenseForm"
                  2 => "getExpenseFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\LoginForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\LoginForm"
                  2 => "getLoginFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\MaintenanceForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\MaintenanceForm"
                  2 => "getMaintenanceFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\MemberForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\MemberForm"
                  2 => "getMemberFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\OrganizationUserForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\OrganizationUserForm"
                  2 => "getOrganizationUserFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\ParcelForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\ParcelForm"
                  2 => "getParcelFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\PersonForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\PersonForm"
                  2 => "getPersonFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\PersonSearchForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\PersonSearchForm"
                  2 => "getPersonSearchFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\PhoneContactForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\PhoneContactForm"
                  2 => "getPhoneContactFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\SmsSetupCreationType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\SmsSetupCreationType"
                  2 => "getSmsSetupCreationTypeService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\SmsSetupType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\SmsSetupType"
                  2 => "getSmsSetupTypeService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\StationForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\StationForm"
                  2 => "getStationFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\TransactionForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\TransactionForm"
                  2 => "getTransactionFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\UserForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\UserForm"
                  2 => "getUserFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\UserStationForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\UserStationForm"
                  2 => "getUserStationFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\VehicleForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\VehicleForm"
                  2 => "getVehicleFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\VehicleSearchForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\VehicleSearchForm"
                  2 => "getVehicleSearchFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\VerifyForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\VerifyForm"
                  2 => "getVerifyFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\WayBillExpense" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\WayBillExpense"
                  2 => "getWayBillExpenseService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\WayBillForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\WayBillForm"
                  2 => "getWayBillFormService"
                  3 => true
                "App\Form\api\ApiWayBillForm" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "App\Form\api\ApiWayBillForm"
                  2 => "getApiWayBillFormService"
                  3 => true
                "Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\EntityType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "form.type.entity"
                  2 => "getForm_Type_EntityService"
                  3 => true
                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "form.type.choice"
                  2 => "getForm_Type_ChoiceService"
                  3 => true
                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ColorType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "form.type.color"
                  2 => "getForm_Type_ColorService"
                  3 => true
                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FileType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "services"
                  1 => ".container.private.form.type.file"
                  2 => "get_Container_Private_Form_Type_FileService"
                  3 => true
                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "form.type.form"
                  2 => "getForm_Type_FormService"
                  3 => true
                "Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Form\Type\LiveCollectionType" => array:4 [
                  0 => "privates"
                  1 => "form.live_collection"
                  2 => "getForm_LiveCollectionService"
                  3 => true
              -serviceTypes: array:37 [
                "App\Form\BankingForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\Bus\BookingType" => "?"
                "App\Form\Bus\ReserveType" => "?"
                "App\Form\Bus\RouteType" => "?"
                "App\Form\Bus\RouteeType" => "?"
                "App\Form\Bus\StopType" => "?"
                "App\Form\Bus\TripType" => "?"
                "App\Form\CollectionForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\DayCloseForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\ExistingPersonMemberForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\ExpenseForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\LoginForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\MaintenanceForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\MemberForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\OrganizationUserForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\ParcelForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\PersonForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\PersonSearchForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\PhoneContactForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\SmsSetupCreationType" => "?"
                "App\Form\SmsSetupType" => "?"
                "App\Form\StationForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\TransactionForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\UserForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\UserStationForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\VehicleForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\VehicleSearchForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\VerifyForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\WayBillExpense" => "?"
                "App\Form\WayBillForm" => "?"
                "App\Form\api\ApiWayBillForm" => "?"
                "Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\EntityType" => "?"
                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType" => "?"
                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ColorType" => "?"
                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FileType" => "?"
                "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" => "?"
                "Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Form\Type\LiveCollectionType" => "?"
            -typeExtensionServices: array:3 [
              "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" => Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\RewindableGenerator {#1542
                -generator: Closure() {#1541
                  class: "ContainerBxEb3my\getForm_RegistryService"
                  use: {
                    $container: ContainerBxEb3my\App_KernelDevDebugContainer {#40 …}
                -count: 6
              "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\RepeatedType" => Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\RewindableGenerator {#1540
                -generator: Closure() {#1539
                  class: "ContainerBxEb3my\getForm_RegistryService"
                  use: {
                    $container: ContainerBxEb3my\App_KernelDevDebugContainer {#40 …}
                -count: 1
              "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\SubmitType" => Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\RewindableGenerator {#1538
                -generator: Closure() {#1537
                  class: "ContainerBxEb3my\getForm_RegistryService"
                  use: {
                    $container: ContainerBxEb3my\App_KernelDevDebugContainer {#40 …}
                -count: 1
            -guesserServices: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\RewindableGenerator {#1528
              -generator: Closure() {#1529
                class: "ContainerBxEb3my\getForm_RegistryService"
                use: {
                  $container: ContainerBxEb3my\App_KernelDevDebugContainer {#40 …}
              -count: 2
        -types: array:2 [
          "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\Proxy\ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy {#1552}
          "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType" => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\Proxy\ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy {#1656
            -proxiedType: Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#1657
              -innerType: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType {#1655}
              -typeExtensions: []
              -parent: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\Proxy\ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy {#1552}
              -optionsResolver: Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver {#1658
                -defined: array:51 [
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                  "label_html" => true
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                  "attr" => true
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                  "auto_initialize" => true
                  "priority" => true
                  "form_attr" => true
                  "data" => true
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                  "empty_data" => true
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                  "upload_max_size_message" => true
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                  "help_html" => true
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                  "invalid_message_parameters" => true
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                  "method" => "POST"
                  "action" => ""
                  "post_max_size_message" => "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file."
                  "upload_max_size_message" => null
                  "allow_file_upload" => false
                  "help" => null
                  "help_attr" => []
                  "help_html" => false
                  "help_translation_parameters" => []
                  "invalid_message" => "This value is not valid."
                  "invalid_message_parameters" => []
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                  "setter" => null
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                  "legacy_error_messages" => true
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                  "extra_fields_message" => "This form should not contain extra fields."
                  "csrf_protection" => true
                  "csrf_field_name" => "_token"
                  "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
                  "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#62}
                  "csrf_token_id" => null
                -nested: []
                -required: []
                -resolved: array:29 [
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                  "post_max_size_message" => "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file."
                  "allow_file_upload" => false
                  "help_translation_parameters" => []
                  "invalid_message" => "This value is not valid."
                  "invalid_message_parameters" => []
                  "error_mapping" => []
                  "allow_extra_fields" => false
                  "extra_fields_message" => "This form should not contain extra fields."
                  "csrf_protection" => true
                  "csrf_field_name" => "_token"
                  "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
                  "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#62}
                  "csrf_token_id" => null
                -normalizers: array:3 [
                  "validation_groups" => array:1 [
                    0 => Closure(Options $options, $groups) {#1638}
                  "constraints" => array:1 [
                    0 => Closure(Options $options, $constraints) {#1639}
                  "upload_max_size_message" => array:1 [
                    0 => Closure(Options $options, $message) {#1641}
                -allowedValues: []
                -allowedTypes: array:17 [
                  "block_prefix" => array:2 [
                    0 => "null"
                    1 => "string"
                  "attr" => array:1 [
                    0 => "array"
                  "row_attr" => array:1 [
                    0 => "array"
                  "label_html" => array:1 [
                    0 => "bool"
                  "priority" => array:1 [
                    0 => "int"
                  "form_attr" => array:2 [
                    0 => "bool"
                    1 => "string"
                  "label_attr" => array:1 [
                    0 => "array"
                  "action" => array:1 [
                    0 => "string"
                  "upload_max_size_message" => array:1 [
                    0 => "callable"
                  "help" => array:3 [
                    0 => "string"
                    1 => "null"
                    2 => "Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage"
                  "help_attr" => array:1 [
                    0 => "array"
                  "help_html" => array:1 [
                    0 => "bool"
                  "is_empty_callback" => array:2 [
                    0 => "null"
                    1 => "callable"
                  "getter" => array:2 [
                    0 => "null"
                    1 => "callable"
                  "setter" => array:2 [
                    0 => "null"
                    1 => "callable"
                  "constraints" => array:2 [
                    0 => "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint"
                    1 => "Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint[]"
                  "legacy_error_messages" => array:1 [
                    0 => "bool"
                -info: array:3 [
                  "priority" => "The form rendering priority (higher priorities will be rendered first)"
                  "getter" => "A callable that accepts two arguments (the view data and the current form field) and must return a value."
                  "setter" => "A callable that accepts three arguments (a reference to the view data, the submitted value and the current form field)."
                -lazy: array:4 [
                  "data_class" => array:1 [
                    0 => Closure(Options $options) {#1634}
                  "empty_data" => array:1 [
                    0 => Closure(Options $options) {#1635}
                  "error_bubbling" => array:1 [
                    0 => Closure(Options $options) {#1637}
                  "upload_max_size_message" => array:1 [
                    0 => Closure(Options $options) {#1636}
                -calling: []
                -deprecated: array:1 [
                  "legacy_error_messages" => array:3 [
                    "package" => "symfony/form"
                    "version" => "5.2"
                    "message" => Closure(Options $options, $value) {#1640}
                -given: []
                -locked: false
                -parentsOptions: []
                -prototype: null
                -prototypeIndex: null
            -dataCollector: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\FormDataCollector {#1532}
        -guesser: false
        -resolvedTypeFactory: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\Proxy\ResolvedTypeFactoryDataCollectorProxy {#1530
          -proxiedFactory: Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormTypeFactory {#1531}
          -dataCollector: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\FormDataCollector {#1532}
        -checkedTypes: []
    -action: "/payment/request/mpesa/1021403"
    -method: "POST"
    -requestHandler: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\HttpFoundation\HttpFoundationRequestHandler {#1555}
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      "method" => "POST"
      "post_max_size_message" => "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file."
      "allow_file_upload" => false
      "help_translation_parameters" => []
      "invalid_message" => "This value is not valid."
      "invalid_message_parameters" => []
      "error_mapping" => []
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      "extra_fields_message" => "This form should not contain extra fields."
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      "csrf_field_name" => "_token"
      "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
      "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#62}
      "csrf_token_id" => null
      "block_prefix" => null
      "row_attr" => []
      "label_html" => false
      "attr" => []
      "priority" => 0
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      "label_attr" => []
      "action" => ""
      "upload_max_size_message" => Closure() {#1645}
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      "help_attr" => []
      "help_html" => false
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      "setter" => null
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      "legacy_error_messages" => true
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  -parent: null
  -children: Symfony\Component\Form\Util\OrderedHashMap {#1679
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      "phone" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1680
        -config: Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder {#1681
          #locked: true
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          -type: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\Proxy\ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy {#1656}
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          -disabled: false
          -errorBubbling: false
          -emptyData: Closure(FormInterface $form) {#1660}
          -attributes: array:1 [
            "data_collector/passed_options" => array:1 [
              "constraints" => array:2 [
                0 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#1651}
                1 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#1652}
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            "method" => "POST"
            "post_max_size_message" => "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file."
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            "invalid_message_parameters" => []
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            "extra_fields_message" => "This form should not contain extra fields."
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            "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
            "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#62}
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            "help_attr" => []
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            "constraints" => array:2 [
              0 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#1651}
              1 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#1652}
            "legacy_error_messages" => true
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        -parent: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1677}
        -children: Symfony\Component\Form\Util\OrderedHashMap {#1682
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          -elements: array:1 [
            0 => "phone"
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            0 => true
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      "field" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1683
        -config: Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder {#1684
          #locked: true
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              "constraints" => array:1 [
                0 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#1653}
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            "invalid_message_parameters" => []
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            "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
            "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#62}
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              0 => Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#1653}
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      0 => "phone"
      1 => "field"
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    "phone" => "0796 404 952"
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    "phone" => "0796 404 952"
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  -name: "sender_form"
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