templates/base.html.twig line 1

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  97.                                     <a class="dropdown-item" href="{{ path('bos_all_transactions') }}"> <i class="fas fa-money-bill"></i> Transactions</a>
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  102.                         {% endblock %}
  103.                         {% block commissionssLink %}
  104.                             <li class="nav-item">
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  106.                                     Vehicle Deliveries
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  109.                         {% endblock %}
  110.                         {% block usersLink %}
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  135.                         {% endblock %}
  136.                         {% block services %}
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  139.                                     Maintenance & Services
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  142.                         {% endblock %}
  143.                        {# {% block ownerslink %}
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  148.                         {% block vehicleslink %}
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  162. {% endblock %}
  163. {% block main %}
  164.     {% block responseflash %}
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  168.                 <strong>Success:</strong> {{ flash_message }}
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  171.         {% for flash_message in app.session.flashBag.get('warning') %}
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  174.                 <strong>Warning: </strong> {{ flash_message }}
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  177.         {% for flash_message in app.session.flashBag.get('error') %}
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  180.                 <strong>Error:</strong> {{ flash_message }}
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